Berlin EN News

Guest performance in the sold-out youth theater office of Theater X

In March we, the youth group “WIR SIND HIER!” had two more strong performances. Our interactive play featured performance, dialogue, recitation, music and video projections.

Gastspiel der Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ im Theater X, Berlin; Foto ©:  Jana Kiesser
Gastspiel der Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ im Theater X, Berlin; Foto ©:  Jana Kiesser
Gastspiel der Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ im Theater X, Berlin; Foto ©:  Jana Kiesser
Gastspiel der Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ im Theater X, Berlin; Foto ©:  Jana Kiesser
Gastspiel der Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ im Theater X, Berlin; Foto ©: Alexander ‚Ali‘ Rönisch
Gastspiel der Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ im Theater X, Berlin; Foto ©: Alexander ‚Ali‘ Rönisch
Gastspiel der Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ im Theater X, Berlin; Foto ©: Alexander ‚Ali‘ Rönisch
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The audience was directly involved in the theatrical action – this was intentional from the beginning. Known as the method “Forum Theater” and made strong by the Theater of the Oppressed, this form of interactive theater is low-threshold: the dialogue with the audience reduces social differences, offers the audience to identify with the issues, and thus contributes to reflection on what is happening and to change social reality. These two performances took place as a guest performance in the sold-out Youth Theater Office of Theater X. Afterwards we were able to further exchange with the audience, answer questions, tell about our workshop activities and make new contacts.

Should we found a Roma* army, do Roma* need their own state or what can we do to stop racism and oppression of Roma* and Sinti*?

Ein Forumtheaterstück der Jugendgruppe WIR SIND HIER! über Verfolgung, Zurückweisung A forum theater play by the youth group WIR SIND HIER! about persecution, rejection and oppression of Roma* in Germany. After a very late recognition of the Holocaust against Roma* and Sinti*, there are racist attacks again and the Holocaust memorial is to be partially destroyed because of a new S-Bahn line. Enough is enough!

The youth group WIR SIND HIER! is composed of young Roma and Romja from RomaTrial e.V. from Berlin and Kiev, who speak Romanes, Romanian, Ukrainian, German, English, Russian and Spanish. The young people have been politicized early on through the youth work of RomaTrial and other Roma organizations and involved in the fight against racism against Roma* and Sinti*. The artistic work in the theater is part of the political engagement, which also includes guiding peer trainings, organizing demos, events, appearances at panel discussions and producing videos and social media content.

By: Christoph Leucht, David Paraschiv, Estera Elisa Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Naomi Stan.
With: Daniel Hromyko, David Paraschiv, Estera Elisa Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Naomi Stan
Director: Christoph Leucht

News Sachsen EN

Winter vacation trip to Dresden

During the winter vacations of 2022, the Berlin youth group of WIR SIND HIER! went on an excursion to Saxony. Our goal was to escape the gray winter routine in Berlin, meet new people, build collaborations, and just have a good time.

WE ARE HERE! – in Dresden

So, from 03.02. to 06.02. the group set off for the capital of Saxony. In addition to nightly sightseeing tours in the old town and many great moments as a group, we met with Erik from Fanprojekt Dresden/ Lernort Stadion, among others, to get to know each other and to plan a cooperation in the future. The project is aimed at school classes and educational institutions in and around Dresden and offers workshops and project days on the topics of fair play and anti-racism in the venerable Rudolf Harbig Stadium. This was a good opportunity to integrate our workshop offer on the topic of anti-gypsyism and thus bring it to local educational institutions.

Afterwards, the group went to Bautzen, where we were warmly welcomed by street worker Benno from the Pro-Chance project. After a short walk, we went together to the Kurti youth club. The special feature of this facility is that it is completely managed by young people and, along with the Steinhaus, is an important place for young people in Bautzen. We talked about the political situation in the city, the national minority of the Sorbs, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of living there.

Afterwards, the group visited the Bautzen Memorial, the former famous – infamous “Stasi prison”. After a short tour of the old town, the group returned to the hostel in Dresden. The last day was used intensively to get to know the surrounding area better and to process the collected impressions.

WE ARE HERE & Saxon vineyards

We had a very nice time and collected many points of contact for future visits.

Berlin EN Brandenburg EN News Sachsen EN

Our peer* training

What sounds and is written like a tongue twister is a complex, year-round program for our young people, in which they receive comprehensive training as peer trainers. In order for them to be able to offer workshops on the topic of antigypsyism to their peers in schools and youth facilities later on, they have to acquire these skills at such a young age.

Berlin EN Brandenburg EN News Sachsen EN

Advent, Advent, a little light is burning…

The days are short, the weather is too cold. There is a pandemic that complicates this dark season… but after Advent comes Christmas and our team is young and motivated. The youth would like to put on something creative that also provides information. Sounds right up our educational alley!

Out of the group an advent calendar against antigypsyism has been created, which lets open a little door every day – from A to Z. The campaign, which became an Instagram hit in its time, can be viewed at the following link…this time even without having to wait for the next day:

News Sachsen EN

Networking trip to Dresden

Our WSH project aims to be active in the German states of Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony and to set up youth groups in these locations. Since the worldwide pandemic broke out at the beginning of our project, we lacked for a very long time the possibilities of a trip to the other federal states with our youth group to see with which forces there we can cooperate. But as soon as that was possible, we traveled with the youth group from Berlin to Dresden.

In Dresden we met some Roma youth and activists and talked with them about our goals and wishes regarding the project. They were lively conversations! Along the way, we were able to see some of the beautiful city of Dresden, which was a bonus point. We are really looking forward to building up our youth group in Saxony. Hopefully we can continue to make trips like this to keep the networking going between groups.

Brandenburg EN News

Theater play: We are here! Where are you?

At the youth center Dosto in Bernau, our youth group from Berlin put on a theater performance as part of the intercultural week, which we would like to incorporate later as an educational tool in our project. After intensive rehearsals, the young people, together with our chairman and experienced directorHamze Bytyçi, conceived a play in which the group talks about their experiences of discrimination. The play also tells the story of the first Roma congress 50 years ago and the resolutions passed there, as well as theatrically demonstrating the continuity of antigypsyism. After the performance, there was a round of questions in which the young people talked about the project and about the different realities of Roma lives.
You can watch the video of the play here or at the following link on facebook.

Theater play “We are here! Where are you?” from 12th of September 2020

Brandenburg EN News

Networking meeting in Eberswalde

Today we are in Eberswalde – with our great youth group from Berlin and with Merle, who is responsible for our Brandenburg group. Here we met with two other Roma youths and talked about a possible youth group in Brandenburg. Before, such a meeting was not possible because of the pandemic. As long as the weather cooperates and there is no lockdown, we would like to continue organizing such networking meetings. The best way to talk is face to face! In the near future it will become clearer if and how we will build up our Brandenburg youth group. If you live in Brandenburg and know interested young people with a Romani background or with experiences of racist discrimination who would like to be trained as peer trainers so that they can later report on antigypsyism in educational institutions, contact us!