News Sachsen EN

Off to Plauen! A workshop review.

At the end of March we, David Paraschiv from the youth group “WIR SIND HIER!” and Alexander Rönisch (Ali), project leader “WIR SIND HIER!”) set off to Plauen. After previous arrangements with the Dresden “Group against Anti-Romaism” and the local association colorido e. V., we participated in an interdisciplinary exchange on March 24 in the context of the International Weeks against Racism with a workshop on the topic of “Racism against Sinti* and Roma*”.

We experienced a great interest of the participating actors to learn more about the history of the Sinti* and Roma*, as well as to deal critically with antigypsyistic

Plauen is also the birthplace, place of residence and center of life of Sinti* and Roma*. Therefore, there was a lot of desire for exchange on the part of local associations in the premises of Colorido e.V..

We were able to report on experiences from Berlin and promoted a multi-perspective view. David spoke from his perspective as a resident of a segregated housing block where many Roma* from Romania live in Berlin – Friedrichshain, as well as Ali from his experience as a street social worker in this social space. We talked about a broad alliance, which has been organized over years in a socio-spatial way and supports the residents on different levels and in which the two got to know each other years ago.

To what extent the situation is transferable to Plauen, we can not judge, because we were the first time on site and the information situation is unclear. Our intention was to sensitize for stereotypical, antigypsyistic attributions and to give a motivating insight into the work of local networks in Berlin.

We would like to stay in contact with the local actors and are looking forward to our next visit in the beautiful Vogtland. Thank you for the fruitful meeting to all participants. We will come again! 

colorido e. V. /, Roma Respect, Against Antiromaism, Alliance Against Racism Saxony, Riesa efau, Kultur Forum Dresden, KARO e.V., Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V.

P.S.: After this long working day it was not the end of the day for everyone! Afterwards David was online at the education summit of the New German Organizations.

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