Berlin EN News

WE ARE HERE! at DEGANE! K.NOW YOUTH! Federal Youth Congress

WE ARE HERE! to the second federal youth congress DEGANE! K.NOW YOUTH! of the new German organizations invited.

In conversation with Alexander Rönisch, “WIR SIND HIER!” Project Manager

Am 17. und 18. September diskutieren unsere Peertrainer*innen als eine von insgesamt fünf On September 17 and 18, our peer trainers will be one of five youth groups at the Federal Youth Congress of the ndo to discuss their demands, wishes and ideas for the future. Moderated by Malcolm Ohanwe, the two days of exciting workshops, talks, open spaces and stages will focus on THE issues that move youth and young adults aged 16 to 25.

On this occasion, project manager Alexander Rönisch talks about the work of the WIR SIND HIER! education project against antiziganism in the current newsletter of neue deutsche organisationen. Click here for the full interview (in German).

Academic anti-discrimination work, for example, only reaches very specific target groups, often with high educational qualifications, and excludes many others. That’s where we want to break the issues down so it’s more inclusive.  

Alexander Rönisch, “WE ARE HERE!” Project Manager
Berlin EN News

WIR SIND HIER! becomes host* in the Green Salon of the Volksbühne

Opening on September 16, 2022. New theater project and event series planned.

Berlin, September 2022

This season, the Green Salon will again be run by artists* and activists from Berlin’s Roma* and Sinti* communities: Together with RomaTrial e.V and the Romnja in Power theater collective, WIR SIND HIER! is shaping a vision of a future society in the Grüner Salon – a society in which the lives and perspectives of all people are of equal value. A future in which Roma* and Sinti* are no longer a problem, but the hosts.

Among other things, WIR SIND HIER! will contribute a new youth theater piece to the program of the Green Salon and will recruit new young performers from the Roma communities in Berlin. WIR SIND HIER! fulfills its role as host par excellence with a planned series of events: On October 21 at 9 p.m., the young peer trainers invite you to dance on the red carpet. Further dates will follow.

The Green Salon opens its doors on September 16, 2022 for the 2022 / 2023 theater season with the week-long series of events and exhibition “Germany your children – On continuities of right-wing violence”. They commemorate the 30th and 31st anniversaries of the pogroms of Rostock-Lichtenhagen and Hoyerswerda and draw an arc to the current treatment of people on the run.

In film, radio play, lecture and discussion, those affected – former contract workers from Mozambique and Vietnam as well as Roma – and activists from Sea Watch as well as Afghan and Syrian associations will have their say.

The musician Mal Élevé will kick off the event with an open-air concert. With his open approach to his Manouche identity, Mal Élevé inspires young Roma* and Sinti* in particular. His songs -a mixture of reggae, dancehall, ska, rap and punk- are a declaration of war against fascism, capitalism and sexism and at the same time a call for worldwide solidarity.

More information about the program of the Green Salon here.

WE ARE HERE! is happy to be part of the Green Salon team!

News Sachsen EN

WE ARE HERE! at “Peer Loaded” Youth Conference in Görlitz

On the first weekend of July 2022, our youth group “Wir Sind Hier!” traveled to Görlitz in Saxony and participated in the first youth conference of Saxon peer – projects.
Under the name “Peer Loaded”, committed young people from all over the state came together, got to know each other and attended a variety of workshops.

Update (09/30/2022): Video documentation of the youth conference:

Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
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WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
WIR SIND HIER! auf „Peer Loaded“ in Görlitz
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In addition to topics such as hate speech, fake news, and civil courage, there was also a well-attended awareness-raising workshop against antiziganism by “Wir sind Hier!”.

The group was able to reach many young peer trainers in Saxony through varied methods, expertise and a good dose of humor and has raised awareness for the continuous and multi-layered discrimination against Sinti and Roma*.

In addition to the input from the group, the stay in Görlitz was also used intensively for networking with local peer projects.

The nice weekend was rounded off by a concert of Brass Riot from Berlin in the old factory Rabryka. After a busy weekend, we were able to dance the night away.

We would like to thank the “Peer Loaded” crew, the Saxon Youth Foundation, the RAA Saxony and especially all the great young people for the good time.

We will be happy to come back and look forward to seeing you again!

News Sachsen EN

Experience report Leipzig

Our young people from WIR SIND HIER! were together with young people from our friendly organization Gangway e.V. in the Easter vacations for 5 days in Leipzig.

With them were Ali from WIR SIND HIER! and Lennart, who works as a street worker for Gangway, Seyram, the volunteer from RomaTrial, Naomi, Elisa, Estera and David, from the WIR SIND HIER! Group, as well as Blondina, Elisei, Samson and Elisei from Gangway Friedrichshain.

We arrived at the main train station in Leipzig on Wednesday afternoon and made our way to the “Hostel Eden”, where we were warmly welcomed and provided with wifi and rooms.

Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
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Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
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Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
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Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
Erlebnisbericht Leipzig
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Since many of us were hungry, we soon made our way to a restaurant near our hostel, where we also met Valentin, our new collaborator for WIR SIND HIER! in Saxony.

Afterwards we took a sunset walk with him through our neighborhood (Lindenau and Plagwitz), where among other things there was a stop at a playground with swings and small photo shoots.

In the evening we sat together on the terrace and played familiarization games like “Who-would?” or “Truth-or-Duty”.

The next morning, Lennart went shopping with a few young people so that we could have breakfast afterwards. Afterwards we went to the city center, where we explored the city on our own in smaller groups for an hour. Then we got together again to go up to the roof of the MDR Tower together, where we could enjoy the view of Leipzig and the surrounding area.

Unfortunately, it started to rain when we were on top, so we decided to go back to the hostel, there our teenagers cooked Aripioare de pui, mămăligă, cartofi si usturoi (chicken wings, polenta, potatoes and garlic). It was very very tasty!

After dinner we went for another evening walk and danced under a bridge.

On Friday, after we had pancakes for breakfast, we went out and sprayed graffiti, we divided the wall among ourselves so that everyone could create something of their own. Really cool works of art were created.

Afterwards, we chilled in the hostel until dinner and played cards, because there was a card game tournament after dinner and we could practice a bit before dinner. Jule, who works in the hostel, and Bifi, another friend of Ali, joined us for the tournament. They already knew the game and the tournament was very exciting.

Saturday we had a late breakfast on the terrace, then we said goodbye to Seyram, who had to leave earlier. After that we went to a boat rental, where we went with paddle boats, we distributed to five boats, so that older ones were mixed with younger ones. The young people were a bit excited, but then the boating was a lot of fun.

In the evening we went to a carnival, where we rode roller coasters, ghost trains, and much more. We went back to the hostel full of adrenaline.

On Sunday morning we had breakfast and then packed our stuff and headed to the train station to go back to Berlin.

We enjoyed the trip very much and hope that we can travel together again soon.

by Seyram Deh, Federal Volunteer

News Sachsen EN

Off to Plauen! A workshop review.

At the end of March we, David Paraschiv from the youth group “WIR SIND HIER!” and Alexander Rönisch (Ali), project leader “WIR SIND HIER!”) set off to Plauen. After previous arrangements with the Dresden “Group against Anti-Romaism” and the local association colorido e. V., we participated in an interdisciplinary exchange on March 24 in the context of the International Weeks against Racism with a workshop on the topic of “Racism against Sinti* and Roma*”.

We experienced a great interest of the participating actors to learn more about the history of the Sinti* and Roma*, as well as to deal critically with antigypsyistic

Plauen is also the birthplace, place of residence and center of life of Sinti* and Roma*. Therefore, there was a lot of desire for exchange on the part of local associations in the premises of Colorido e.V..

We were able to report on experiences from Berlin and promoted a multi-perspective view. David spoke from his perspective as a resident of a segregated housing block where many Roma* from Romania live in Berlin – Friedrichshain, as well as Ali from his experience as a street social worker in this social space. We talked about a broad alliance, which has been organized over years in a socio-spatial way and supports the residents on different levels and in which the two got to know each other years ago.

To what extent the situation is transferable to Plauen, we can not judge, because we were the first time on site and the information situation is unclear. Our intention was to sensitize for stereotypical, antigypsyistic attributions and to give a motivating insight into the work of local networks in Berlin.

We would like to stay in contact with the local actors and are looking forward to our next visit in the beautiful Vogtland. Thank you for the fruitful meeting to all participants. We will come again! 

colorido e. V. /, Roma Respect, Against Antiromaism, Alliance Against Racism Saxony, Riesa efau, Kultur Forum Dresden, KARO e.V., Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V.

P.S.: After this long working day it was not the end of the day for everyone! Afterwards David was online at the education summit of the New German Organizations.

Berlin EN News

WE ARE HERE! at Romaday!

Our Berlin youth group “WIR SIND HIER!” celebrated with and supported with all their might the International Roma* Day on April 8 with moderation, parade and theater.

The time for the preparation was short, because it started already on April 5th. And that was with an interview at radioeins! RBB broadcasted live from Bikini Berlin. Estera, Davis and Ali were on board and we talked about our workshops, role models, theater and many other topics.

This year ROMADAY opened with a vernissage of the exhibition “Still Hope In Paradise?” at ACUD MACHT NEU, continued the same evening with the performance “Newly Forgotten Technologies” by Wesley Goatley and finally celebrated with a set by DJ, artist and author D.R.E.E.A.. It was great to connect with so many people, share ideas, and it made us even more excited for the upcoming parade!

In between, we made banners, thought about demo slogans and, very important, the moderation and formulated our own contributions for the demo. From “WE ARE HERE!” David Paraschiv and Estera Elisa Paraschiv were present on the parade truck as a moderation duo.

The two accompanied their fellow campaigners during the procession from the Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murdered under National Socialism to the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz on April 8. The culmination of the powerful, self-confident parade was the performative renaming of the site as Roma-Luxemburg-Platz, which was especially enjoyed by children and young people from various Roma communities.

Arriving at the Volksbühne, we went to the backstage of the Grüner Salon and then onto the stage. This was followed by perhaps the punchiest performance of our youth group with the Forum play of the same name “WIR SIND HIER!” in front of the crowded theater hall.

Hardly had the applause and the sounds of the subsequent jam session dedicated to the Roma* anthem “Djelem Djelem” died down, we went to the Maxim Gorki Theater for the concert of the Romnja rap band from Serbia “Pretty Loud”.

What a day! What an energy! It strengthens us and makes us want to do more! Stay tuned!

Berlin EN News

Our youth group was selected for the Theatertreffen of the youth

The forum theater play of the youth group WIR SIND HIER! has been selected for the Theatertreffen der Jugend. This was announced today by the Berliner Festspiele as organizers of the national competition. WIR SIND HIER! is one of a total of eight productions invited to the Theatertreffen der Jugend from 25.5. – 4.6.2022 in the festival center at the Berliner Festspiele. The young Roma and Romnja of WIR SIND HIER! were able to prevail against about 50 applications. The jury focused on the question of specific youth perspectives and the appropriate development and implementation of the respective material by the entire ensemble. The personality and attitude of the players are decisive for the invitation to the Theatertreffen der Jugend.

Forum Theater Play WE ARE HERE!

By: Christoph Leucht, David Paraschiv, Estera Elisa Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Naomi Stan | With: Daniel Hromyko, David Paraschiv, Estera Elisa Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Naomi Stan | Directed by: Christoph Leucht | Audio/Video: Christoph Leucht | Premiere date: 17.6.2021, Youth Theater Festival “Festiwalla” in Berlin

Next performance: 8.4.2022, ROMADAY | Duration: 80 minutes

The interactive theater piece about persecution, rejection and oppression of Roma* in Germany was created between March and June 2021 in a rehearsal process using the methods of teatro das opridmidas under the guidance of Christoph Leucht (Theaterwerkstatt KURINGA).

The next opportunity to see the young people of WIR SIND HIER! in action will be at this year’s ROMADAY on April 8, 2022 at 16:00 during the ROMADAY parade through Berlin-Mitte and at 19:00 with a performance of the award-winning play in the Green Salon of the Volksbühne. Admission is free.

Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-1
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-2
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-3
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-4
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-5
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-7
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-8
Theatertreffen der Jugend - WIR SIND HIER by Jana Kießer-10
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The youth group WIR SIND HIER! is composed of young Roma and Romnja from RomaTrial e.V. from Berlin and Kiev, who speak Romani, Romanian, Ukrainian, German, English, Russian and Spanish. The artistic theater work is part of their political commitment within the framework of the “WIR SIND HIER! Education Program against Antigypsyism” and also includes peer training instruction, organizing demos, events, appearances at panel discussions, and producing videos and social media content.

“WE ARE HERE! Bildungsprogramm gegen Antigypsyism” trains young Roma and Romnja, as well as other young people affected by racist and intersectional discrimination, as peer trainers against anti-gypsyismin Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony. Together they develop educational tools to raise awareness about antigypsyism.

Further information at

Picture material here © Jana Kießer @jana.kiesser @ein_garten_in_berlin
Press contact: Sarah Rosenau | (030) 99 00 82 14 |

Brandenburg EN News

Potsdam: Home game for the committed

The youth group “WIR SIND HIER!” met with fans from Fanprojekt Babelsberg at Karl Liebknecht Stadium.

Die Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ zu Gast bei Fanprojekt Babelsberg. Foto ©: Alexander ‚Ali‘ Rönisch
Die Jugendgruppe „WIR SIND HIER!“ zu Gast bei Fanprojekt Babelsberg. Foto ©: Alexander ‚Ali‘ Rönisch
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Potsdam Heimspiel der Engagierten_03
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Fanprojekt Babelsberg stands up against discrimination and against racism. So it was only a matter of time when we would visit them. After brief preliminary discussions, we met with some activists from Fanprojekt Babelsberg at SV Babelsberg’s home game against VfB Auerbach at Karl Liebknecht Stadium. We presented our workshop concept to the Babelsberg fan project and some of their “Diversity is Strength” coordinators, exchanged ideas about our anti-racist work and talked animatedly about anti-gypsy ideas in society.

Afterwards, we cheered on the teams on the soccer field, invited the Babelsberg fan project to our theater performance the next day, and made plans for the future together.

It was a great and inspiring meeting and we are looking forward to our further exchange with Fanprojekt Babelsberg!