The forum theater play of the youth group WIR SIND HIER! has been selected for the Theatertreffen der Jugend. This was announced today by the Berliner Festspiele as organizers of the national competition. WIR SIND HIER! is one of a total of eight productions invited to the Theatertreffen der Jugend from 25.5. – 4.6.2022 in the festival center at the Berliner Festspiele. The young Roma and Romnja of WIR SIND HIER! were able to prevail against about 50 applications. The jury focused on the question of specific youth perspectives and the appropriate development and implementation of the respective material by the entire ensemble. The personality and attitude of the players are decisive for the invitation to the Theatertreffen der Jugend.
Forum Theater Play WE ARE HERE!
By: Christoph Leucht, David Paraschiv, Estera Elisa Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Naomi Stan | With: Daniel Hromyko, David Paraschiv, Estera Elisa Paraschiv, Estera Sara Stan, Naomi Stan | Directed by: Christoph Leucht | Audio/Video: Christoph Leucht | Premiere date: 17.6.2021, Youth Theater Festival “Festiwalla” in Berlin
Next performance: 8.4.2022, ROMADAY | Duration: 80 minutes
The interactive theater piece about persecution, rejection and oppression of Roma* in Germany was created between March and June 2021 in a rehearsal process using the methods of teatro das opridmidas under the guidance of Christoph Leucht (Theaterwerkstatt KURINGA).
The next opportunity to see the young people of WIR SIND HIER! in action will be at this year’s ROMADAY on April 8, 2022 at 16:00 during the ROMADAY parade through Berlin-Mitte and at 19:00 with a performance of the award-winning play in the Green Salon of the Volksbühne. Admission is free.
The youth group WIR SIND HIER! is composed of young Roma and Romnja from RomaTrial e.V. from Berlin and Kiev, who speak Romani, Romanian, Ukrainian, German, English, Russian and Spanish. The artistic theater work is part of their political commitment within the framework of the “WIR SIND HIER! Education Program against Antigypsyism” and also includes peer training instruction, organizing demos, events, appearances at panel discussions, and producing videos and social media content.
“WE ARE HERE! Bildungsprogramm gegen Antigypsyism” trains young Roma and Romnja, as well as other young people affected by racist and intersectional discrimination, as peer trainers against anti-gypsyismin Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony. Together they develop educational tools to raise awareness about antigypsyism.
Further information at
Picture material here © Jana Kießer @jana.kiesser @ein_garten_in_berlin
Press contact: Sarah Rosenau | (030) 99 00 82 14 |