It was not until 2014 that the first “Method Handbook against Antigypsyism” was published – it was the first milestone in the field of education against antigypsyism. Since then, more and more educational materials have been produced in various federal states, and workshops and seminars for a wide variety of target groups have been created with increasing frequency. However, these offers rarely link up with each other, and networking of the relevant actors takes place far too seldom. Of course, we can only be strong if we work together!
Therefore, we are planning two conferences for 2021 and 2024, at which people in the field of education against antigypsyism can discuss the current state of educational offers, different approaches and possibilities for their further development and explore what the opportunities and challenges in this area are.
The special feature of our conferences is their participatory approach: We develop the concept in dialogue with the people themselves, with whom we are in contact with as part of a nationwide networking process to discuss our interests and needs in this field.
Are you interested in the conferences and are not yet part of our network? Subscribe to our newsletter, don‘t miss the invitation!